好正呀! 不過這位朋友的食譜是用英文來寫的~
姓名: Ellis
Twitter: @pamplemoosie
Linkedln: http://www.linkedin.com/in/elli5
Ellis 是我在大學認識的朋友,在加州居住,上一次我去三藩市時,她也弄了蛋糕給我吃呢~ :)
- 熱愛寫作,現時在矽谷(Silicon Village)協助幾間不同的startups做有關市場營銷以及項目管理類型的工作
- 喜歡挑戰新嘗試,例如去烹飪一些兒時喜歡的食物
- 有一隻叫 Moosie 的 French Bulldog
Pineapple Bun: Take 1
Bread, rice, carbs, starches. They have always been a favorite food group of mine :) While living out in the Bay Area, I constantly have access to great Chinese goodies but somehow they just aren’t on par with the noms back home in HK!
Just for fun I decided to make Pineapple Buns…I mean…how hard can it be right? WRONG! (for the n00bie baker like me)
I came across this recipe and of course had to try it out (after procrastinating for the longest time before ordering a food weigh scale and baking ammonia). You can refer to the original post for pics of the process, I’m just going to show pics from my process! I guess baking by weight is the cool (and accurate) thing to do. It took me most of the afternoon but worth it! Things learned: “proofing” is an actual baking term, I thought the recipe had a typo for “poofing”, kneading dough is fun but very tiring, maybe I should invest in a bread machine.
Things to have handy:
- Weigh scale
- Flat surface for kneading dough
- Electric mixer
- Sifter
- A good mood and a dash of patience
Ingredients of bread:
- 350 g bread flour (found it at Mollie Stone’s, Lucky’s)
- 70 g caster sugar (regular sugar)
- 4 g salt
- 56 g whisked egg
- 10 g milk powder (I didn’t add this, didn’t have it!)
- 6 g instant dry yeast (maybe use the entire 7gm packet next time)
- 120 g tangzhong (refer this post for making tangzhong)
- 125 ml milk
- 30 g butter, softened at room temperature
Ingredients of topping:
- 125 g cake flour (found it at Target, Lucky’s, Safeway)
- 55 g caster sugar (regular sugar!)
- 40 g butter, softened at room temperature
- 7 g milk powder (skipped this…>_>)
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 Tbsp evaporated milk (good for eating with grass jelly)
- 1 Tsp condensed milk (good with peanut butter toast or for milk tea)
- a bit less than 1/4 tsp edible ammonia powder (this stuff is PUNGENT - try Amazon, I couldn’t find it at Asian supermarkets)
- 1/4 tsp baking powder (I used baking soda…google said I can replace it with that)
To make buns:
- Combine all dry ingredients: flour, salt, sugar and yeast in a bowl. Make a well in the center. Whisk and combine all wet ingredients: milk, egg and tangzhong, then add into the well of the dry ingredients. When all ingredients get together, knead in the softened butter. The dough is quite sticky and messy at this stage. Keep kneading until the dough is smooth, not sticky and elastic. Shape dough into a ball. Place in a greased bowl and cover with a wet towel or cling wrap. Let it proof till it’s doubled in size, about 40 minutes.
- Transfer the dough to a clean floured surface. Deflate and divide into 12 equal portions. Cover with cling wrap, let rest for 15 minutes.
- Meanwhile, make the topping (refer to the directions below).
- Knead each little dough portions into ball shapes. Let them complete the 2nd round of proofing, about 35 minutes, doubled in size.
- Preheat oven to 210°C (410°F). When the dough portions are doubled in size, remove topping paste from fridge, cut into 12 equal portions and roll in balls. Cover by a film wrap and press each portion into a flat disc. Place on top of the small dough. Repeat this step with the rest. Brush the top with whisked egg yolk and bake in a preheated 210°C (410°F) for 5minutes. Reduce the temperature to 180°C (356°F) and bake for another 15 minutes.

To make topping:
- Cream softened butter with an electric mixer over medium speed until smooth. Add sugar and continue to beat until fluffy.
- Add milk powder, egg yolk, evaporated milk, condensed milk, baking powder, combine well. Sift in flour and ammonia powder and incorporate well. The mixture is quite moist and sticky. Use a piece of film wrap to roll into a log. Chill for 30 to 40 minutes. When it becomes harder, it’s ready to use and shape it.

I ate one every morning for breakfast, stuck it in the toaster oven to recrisp it a bit. I wonder when I’ll try attempt numbah two…
-- The End --
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